Take the first step toward a healthy gastrointestinal tract with “Powerful Wakamoto”!

Three naturally derived ingredients of “Powerful Wakamoto” have three effects in three

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“Powerful Wakamoto” brings the body to life by bringing the action of the three naturally

derived ingredients closer to normal. Useful for people with weak stomach, intestinal weakness,and physical condition.

  • Koji mold that produces digestive enzymes “Aspergillus oryzae NK culture powder”The “enzymes” produced in the human body can be broadly divided into “digestive enzymes” thatdigest and decompose daily foods to make it easier to absorb nutrients, and deliver the absorbed nutrients to each cell in the body. There are two “metabolic enzymes” related to the body’smetabolism, such as helping to work effectively and excreting toxins together with sweat and urine.
    No matter how well you eat, the digestion is done by the digestive enzymes secreted from the stomach and intestinal tissues. If digestive enzymes are deficient, digestion and degradationwill be inadequate, undigested substances will feed bad bacteria in the intestine, bad bacteria such as E.coli will increase, and the balance with lactic acid bacteria of good bacteria will be lost and become the body It will be harmful.
    More powerful “enzymes” for maintaining life “Powerful Wakamoto” contains more digestive enzymes that use rice and wheat germ.
  • “Lactic acid bacteria culture powder” to prepare a disturbed intestineThe balance of the intestinal flora is likely to break down due to stress and aging, and it isnecessary to constantly replenish lactic acid bacteria to improve the breakage. There are many types of lactic acid bacteria, but lactic acid bacteria that are found in the human intestine are suitable for humans. It excels in increasing the number of good bacteria in the human intestine and reducing bad bacteria, improving the human intestinal flora and preparing the intestinal environment.
    Lactic acid bacteria of “Powerful Wakamoto” are planted in a medium with a unique germ composition and are cultivated solidly to make “Lactic acid bacteria culture powder”. In addition, the germ contained in the medium contains a lot of dietary fiber, absorbs water in the intestines, increases the amount of stool, and absorbs and excretes harmful substances.
  • Nutrition-rich beer yeast “dry yeast” Even in the present age, which is said to be a time of satiety, nutritional deficiencies andnutritional bias are one of the problems in eating habits. Nutrition essential for maintaininghealth is something that you want to eat evenly, but is quite difficult. “Powerful Wakamoto” dry yeast contains 9 types of vitamins including vitamin B1, 16 types of amino acids including 9 types of essential amino acids that cannot be made in the body, and 7 types of minerals such as
    iron, calcium and magnesium. Useful for nutrition. In addition, dietary fiber absorbs water in the intestines, increasing stool volume and absorbing and excreting harmful substances.

“Powerful Wakamoto” is recommended for such people

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  • Those who have no appetite and are not feeling wellThe enzyme that breaks down starch and the protein produced from Aspergillus oryzae NK culturepowder helps digest food, reducing the burden of overworked stomach and intestines and stomach upset.
  • Those who have poor intestinal conditions,constipation, loose stool, abdominal pain, andabdominal painLactobacillus culture powder is resistant to gastric acid, reaches the intestines alive and exhibits intestinal regulation. In addition, germ buds contain a lot of dietary fiber, so that the functions of the small and large intestines are brought close to normal.
  • Those who are concerned about physical condition with age Dry yeast contains vitamins, amino acids and minerals. It supplements nutrients that are oftenlacking in the body, essential amino acids that cannot be made in the body, makes the gastrointestinal health healthy, and rejuvenates the body that is weak and easily tiring.

If you are one of those, try “Powerful Wakamoto” and get a healthy stomach again!

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