Must-see for those who have stiff shoulders, back pain, or muscle pain! 5 recommended Japanese muscle pain medicines

“A little exercise caused muscle pain and it was hard for me to work and do household chores …”
“For my health, I had muscle pain when I used muscles that I don’t normally use in the gym …”
“Same I’m having trouble with my calves and back pain because of my continuous work … “
” I want to get rid of chronic stiff shoulders and back pain … “

Have you ever been troubled by this?

I really understand that feeling. If you are not conscious of it, you tend to lack exercise, and if you exercise to eliminate the lack of exercise, you will suffer from muscle pain and your heart will be broken.

This article is recommended for those who have already had muscle pain, those who are planning to exercise, and those who are suffering from chronic muscle pain. Introducing typical medicines!

Know the type of muscle pain and choose the Japanese muscle pain medicine that suits you

Before introducing Japanese muscle pain medicine, I will explain the mechanism of muscle pain and the factors that cause muscle pain. If you know it, it will be easier to choose the best Japanese muscle pain medicine, so please refer to it.

Muscle pain is muscle pain caused by exercise.

In modern science, inflammation occurs when repairing muscle fiber damage during exercise, and inflammation is the cause of pain, or muscle soreness.

In other words, suppressing inflammation is effective in relieving muscle pain.

On the contrary, if you keep the same posture all the time, muscle fatigue will occur. Muscle fatigue can develop into muscle soreness if left untreated and should be taken care of.

Then, I would like to introduce you to Japanese muscle pain that specifically relieves inflammation or muscle fatigue.

What are some Japanese muscle pain medicines?

Japanese muscle medicine can be broadly divided into the following two types.

  • First generation poultice
  • 2nd generation poultice

First-generation compresses are commonly referred to as cold compresses and hot compresses. It relieves pain mainly by combining methyl salicylate with a feeling of coldness / warmth or blood flow improvement.

The second generation poultice contains a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, which is an antipyretic analgesic, as an active ingredient.

If you are wondering which one to use, use it properly according to the degree of pain.

Speaking of compresses in Japan, the familiar “Halix 55” series

The “Halix 55” series has long been popular in Japan and can be said to be a staple of compresses. There are three types of “Halix 55” series:

  • “Halix 55EX Cold Feeling A”
  • “Halix 55EX Warmth A”
  • “Halix 55 ID Plus”

I will introduce the features in order.

“Halix 55EX Cooling A” has two active ingredients, glycol salicylate and anti-inflammatory ingredient glycyrrhizic acid, which are effective for muscle pain, back pain and stiff shoulders.

It also has an excellent cooling effect, so it is effective for sudden muscle pain.

It is also recommended for muscle pain caused by sudden inflammation such as bruising and sprains, as it has a long-lasting and comfortable refreshing feeling and can relieve pain.

“Halix 55EX Warm A” contains the same double anti-inflammatory effect as Harix 55EX Cool A. The difference is that it contains pepper extract as an active ingredient.

Pepper extract promotes blood circulation in the affected area, warms the affected area and relieves muscle pain caused by stiffness.

Recommended for those who suffer from chronic low back pain and stiff shoulders.

The warm compress is very irritating and easy to get a rash, so remove it 1 hour before bathing.

If you’re wondering whether to make it cool or warm, use cold feeling if it feels good to cool, and warm feeling if it feels better when you warm it up or take a bath.

“Halix 55ID Plus” is a second-generation poultice containing 0.5% indomethacin.

Indomethacin acts on the enzyme that produces prostaglandin, which is the causative agent of pain, and exerts an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

In addition, L menthol formulation has the effect of cooling hot muscles and is effective for bruising and sprains.

People with asthma should not use indomethacin as it may cause seizures. Also, please be careful not to let children under the age of 15 use it.

“Salon Pass Ae” for muscle pain in joints that move frequently

“Salon Pass Ae” is a muscle pain medicine that Japanese people often use when they are worried that joints such as elbows and knees will come off because they move often.

“Salon Pass Ae” is a type of compress called plaster (tape), which is a thin cloth containing the active ingredient. The feature is that it has a high degree of adhesion and is hard to peel off, and there is little discomfort when pasted.

It is recommended for those who suffer from chronic muscle pain and stiffness because it contains vitamin E that further promotes blood circulation. It is also recommended for people who are prone to get a rash because it uses a material that absorbs sweat and suppresses skin irritation.

There are recommended ways to paste the salon pass depending on the part to be pasted, so I will introduce two.

  • For neck pain and stiff shoulders, “figure eight”
  • “Flounder” for calf pain

“Eight-shaped pasting” is a method of pasting from the neck to the shoulders. It is recommended for those who often stare at the screen of a computer and are leaning forward and have a strain on their neck and shoulders.

“Flounder pasting” is a method of pasting so as to sandwich the calf. It is recommended for those who have been standing for a long time in the hospitality business and their calves become fluffy in the evening.

Precautions for plasters (tapes) may be difficult to remove due to their high degree of adhesion after long-term use. If you find it difficult to peel off, try peeling it off slowly or moistening it with water.

“Loxonin S tape” for back pain and stiff shoulders

Loxonin S Tape is recommended for people who have trouble with back pain and stiff shoulders that cannot be warmed up even when cooled.

A second-generation poultice containing loxoprofen sodium hydrate, an anti-inflammatory analgesic ingredient used in Japan’s most famous antipyretic analgesic “Loxonin S”.

Loxoprofen sodium hydrate suppresses the synthesis of prostaglandins, which cause inflammation by directly penetrating into the core of painful pain.

You only need to apply it once a day, it has high elasticity and is hard to peel off, and it is easy to re-apply, so I am happy that it is convenient.

However, please note that those who have had asthma attacks using medicines or those who have asthma cannot use it. It cannot be used by children under the age of 15, so please keep it out of reach to prevent accidental use.

For those who want to cure muscle pain but are worried about the compress being noticeable, “New Ammel Tsuyoko Yoko A”

If you put a compress on the exposed skin such as the neck and shoulders, it will definitely stand out. It’s a pity that your fashion may be ruined. If you still want to get rid of stiff shoulders and muscle aches, “New Ammel Tsuyoko Yoko A” is a recommended Japanese muscle sore medicine.

“New Ammel Tsuyoko Yoko A” is a liquid type ointment.

It does not stand out even if it is used on exposed skin. Another point is that it is odorless and you don’t mind the smell.

It is convenient to carry and you can apply it on the go without getting your hands dirty. The shape of the bottle makes it easy to apply to areas of concern, making it extremely convenient.

“Vantelin Kowa Liquid α” for stiff shoulders that are difficult to remove

“Vantelin Kowa Liquid α” is effective for those who are particular about “I have a hard time with muscular pain in the exposed part of the skin, but it’s a bit difficult to apply a compress …” in Japan It is a muscle pain medicine.

“Vantelin Kowa Solution α” is a second-generation muscle pain drug containing indomethacin.

Indomethacin acts directly on the affected area to suppress inflammation and exert an analgesic effect.

Menthol and arnica tincture, which promote blood circulation, are also included, and can be expected to have the effect of loosening stiff muscles.

Compared to “New Ammel Tsuyoko Yoko A”, it has a higher anti-inflammatory effect, so “Vantelin Kowa Liquid α” is recommended for pain that cannot be taken with “New Ammel Tsu Yoko Yoko A”.

Since it contains indomethacin, please do not use it if you have asthma. It cannot be used by children under the age of 15.

If you are asthmatic or under the age of 15 and want to use the ointment, use the “New Ammel Tsuyoko Yoko A” introduced earlier.

Let’s treat painful stiff shoulders, back pain and muscle pain with Japanese muscle pain medicine

Muscles are constantly tense due to long hours of desk work and standing hospitality. There are many situations where I get tired mentally, so I get even more nervous.

Still, I’m less exercising than ever before.

Therefore, if you exercise for a change of mood or health, you will get rid of muscle pain. With this, even if I try to enjoy my work and private life, I don’t feel like it.

If you keep the same posture for a long time, try stretching while standing and sitting to relieve tension. It is recommended as it can be a refreshing change.

You can also try using a smartwatch that will notify you with a push notification if the same posture continues.

If you still suffer from stiff shoulders, back pain, or muscle pain, please use the Japanese muscle pain medicine introduced in this article to take care of it!

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