Just a moment please! Do you think any high thiol can be used for stains?

I’m glad that the depth of my life increases as I get older, but the ones that increase together are stains. Every time I look in the mirror, I can’t help thinking, “Oh, I’m not young anymore.”

I want to remember the beautiful appearance at events such as dates with partners, weddings, entrance ceremonies and graduation ceremonies when children are born. When I settled down and looked back on my memories, I was worried about the stains, and I don’t want to think that I should have taken more care at that time.

However, modern women tend to put off the time to care for themselves because they work too hard for work, housework, and childcare.

And one day I noticed a stain …

She rushed to the drugstore and arrived at the vitamins section, but there were many vitamins waiting for her and she didn’t know which one to choose. Even if you look at the package, you will be overwhelmed by the technical terms. For the time being, the commercial said “High thiol for stains”, so when I thought about buying high thiol, there are many types of high thiol!

It’s a situation where you might sigh, “Which one is right for me …”.

Therefore, in this article, we will let you know what kind of stains you have and whether you are prone to stains, and we will show you how to choose the best high thiol for your stains. Please refer to it.

What kind of stain are you?

Even if it is simply called a stain, it is not one type. Spots are roughly classified into the following four types.

    • Sunlight mole
    • Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation
    • Melasma
  • Freckles

I will explain in order.

Sunlight mole

The most common stain is this “sunlight mole”. As you can see from the word Nikko, it is caused by the ultraviolet rays that have been exposed so far. The feature is that it gets darker as you get older.

Let’s explain how a sun-induced mole can be easily formed.

When the skin is exposed to UV rays, it produces a black pigment called melanin to protect the skin. Originally, melanin disappears with old dead skin cells due to skin turnover. Turnover is the rebirth of your skin.

However, as we get older, the turnover function declines, making it difficult for melanin to be excreted and leaving it on the skin. This is the mechanism of stains called sunlight moles.

If any of the following apply, suspect a sun-induced mole.

  • It has gradually become darker since I was in my thirties.
  • It was light at first, but gradually became darker
  • Spots are noticeable on the cheeks, temples, back of the hand, etc. where UV rays are often exposed.

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation

Spots after inflammation caused by acne, wounds, insect bites, etc. are called “post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation”.

When the skin becomes inflamed, the melanocytes that produce melanin are stimulated, but if the produced melanin is not properly excreted, it will cause stains.

In addition, if you wash your face or massage your face by rubbing your skin strongly, you may get inflammation. It is strictly forbidden to wash it!


Chloasma is a stain caused by imbalance of female hormones. The feature is that there are thin but bare stains around the left and right cheekbones.

It is easy for women in their late 30s to 50 years old, but it can also be done during pregnancy or when taking pills changes the hormone balance. The cause is that when the female hormones are out of balance, melanocytes are activated and melanin is produced too much.

Since the cause is hormonal imbalance, stress is also considered to be the cause.

If you are aware of the imbalance of female hormones, instead of Hythiol, Daiichi Sankyo’s “Transino ® II” is the only over-the-counter drug recommended for improving chloasma. It is classified as a first-class drug and can only be purchased at a drugstore with a pharmacist, so make sure that you handle it in advance.


In fact, freckles are also a type of stain. However, the decisive difference from the stains I have introduced so far is that it is not caused by aging but by genetic factors.

The features are as follows.

  • I started doing it when I was little
  • Small spots are scattered around the nose
  • There are many spots on the cheeks, shoulders, arms, hands, back, etc. that are about the size of a grain of rice.
  • There are freckles in my family
  • It gets darker from spring to summer and lighter in autumn and winter

You may be worried, “If it’s heredity, can’t I do it anymore?”, But don’t worry. It’s difficult to prevent it completely, but you can take measures to prevent it from becoming darker than it is now!

Let’s see how the stains heal concretely. If you know how this works, you’ll have less chance of wondering which high thiol to buy at a drugstore!

Mechanism for healing stains

I introduced the cause of the stain, but in the end, the point is how to prepare the melanin so that it does not remain on the skin.

So how can you get melanin out of your skin?

The answer is actually already introduced in this article.

The answer is turnover.

Turnover In other words, if the skin’s renewal function is normal, melanin will go out of the skin along with the old keratin.

Hythiol is the drug that improves the function of this turnover.

In addition, Hythiol contains not only ingredients that improve turnover function, but also Vitamin C, which suppresses the production of melanin. Therefore, while suppressing the production of melanin, it is easier to discharge the existing melanin, which improves the transparency of the skin.

Are you prone to stains?

I would like to introduce Hythiol immediately, but I have a question.

Are you prone to stains?

If you ask this question, you may not be able to answer it immediately, so please check the following items. It is thought that the more items you can think of, the easier it is for stains to occur.

  • Easy to bruise
  • Oily skin
  • Easy to get acne
  • My feet get cold easily
  • Stiff neck and stiff shoulders
  • Leg veins stand out
  • There is a clot in the menstrual blood
  • Menstrual pain is terrible
  • Irregular menstruation
  • Lips are purplish

The more it applies, the more likely it is that the turnover function has diminished.

Which high thiol is perfect for your stain?

Up to this point, you have understood the types of stains and the constitution in which stains are likely to occur. From here, we will propose the perfect high thiol for you. It’s not an exaggeration to say a suggestion, it’s simple, so please read it casually.

There are three types of high thiol that are effective against spots and freckles.

  • High Thiol C Plus 2
  • High Thiol C Premiere
  • High Thiol C Whiteia

There are 3 types, so it seems to be confusing, but the amount of L-Cysteine ​​that improves turnover is actually the same. The difference is the amount of vitamin C that suppresses the production of melanin and the number of doses taken per day.

It is better to choose according to your lifestyle and awareness of stains.

Let me give you a simple example.

High Thiol C Plus 2

If you are not at the level where you are worried about stains and freckles, and you are “I’m a little worried, I wonder if I should start taking measures soon”, take Hythiol C Plus 2.

You do not have to worry about the timing of taking the medicine before or after meals, and take it 3 times a day.

High Thiol C Premiere

For those who inadvertently forget to take it and feel guilty, “Oh! I’m too busy to take it again …”, I recommend Hythiol C Premiere, which can be taken twice a day.

The disadvantage is that the amount of vitamin C is lower than that of Hythiol C Plus 2, but it is no problem compared to forgetting to take it.

High Thiol C Whiteia

If you are a little greedy and want to take measures against stains, you may forget to take it because you are busy with work or housework during the day, so choose High Thiol C Whiteia.

Although it is the same type as Hythiol C Premiere, which is taken twice a day, Vitamin C is characterized by containing the same amount as Hythiol C Plus 2.

As an aside, high thiol is actually recommended for people who become vulnerable to alcohol with age and have alcohol left the next day. According to a study by Tohoku University, drinking L-Cysteine ​​reduced acetaldehyde in the stomach by more than 60%.


Improving skin turnover is important, but not the only, for clear skin.

Of course, it is important to improve turnover, but sunscreen is also a must-have item to prevent excessive production of melanin, which is the cause of stains. Ultraviolet rays reach the skin even inside the building, so it is recommended to use it regardless of the season.

And not to mention a regular lifestyle. Moderate exercise, good sleep, nutritious diet, etc …

The real intention is, “I know, but honestly, I can’t do it once!” After all, if you try to do it all at once, you will be frustrated, and in the end you will fall into self-loathing that nothing has changed, which may be counterproductive.

Start with the simple habit of drinking high thiol introduced in the article about the powder season, and if you can afford it, gradually improve your lifestyle!

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