Determine your skin 10 years from now! How to clean skin with acne scars

With “Smell and lid”, it’s pretty good at that time, but it doesn’t last long.

Isn’t acne scars similar?

I’m sorry that the analogy is vulgar, but you’ll want to look away from acne scars.

If you put a concealer darker than your own skin first and then layer a color that matches your skin, the redness will not be noticeable, and you can hide it with makeup techniques, but it will not disappear.

I really want to be confident in my bare skin in the mirror after removing my makeup.

Above all, if you have acne scars, you will be more concerned about your skin than necessary, and everyday is not fun.

This time, I will introduce about acne, which is the natural enemy of the skin, and how to clean the skin with acne scars.

You may feel that the volume is high, but the only disadvantage is that you don’t know about acne. Because wrong knowledge can lead to wrong acne care and, in the worst case, worsen acne scars.

Please read each one and get the knowledge to be confident in yourself and put it into practice!

Learn about the types of acne scars

It may seem like a detour, but first let’s learn about acne scars.

As I will explain later, the method of care differs depending on the type of acne scar.

Knowledge is essential because you can’t get beautiful skin if you take the wrong care.

You might think, “It’s a hassle to study …”, but don’t worry, there are only three!

Acne scars 1: Reddish acne scars

Reddish acne scars are caused by inflammation.

The cause of inflammation is that the pores are clogged with sebum and waste products.

Acne scars 2: Brown pigmentation

The word pigmentation may have come to the fore, but it’s caused by melanin.

When inflamed, melanocytes are activated and overproduce melanin. The inflamed part of melanin, which is a natural enemy of whitening, turns brown like a stain.

Normally, only enough melanin is secreted during turnover (skin renewal), so there is no problem.

However, melanin excessively secreted by inflammation remains and causes pigmentation.

Acne scars 3: Craters

If acne is left unattended or crushed because it can’t be helped, the surface of the skin will become uneven like a crater.

The cause is that when the inflammation becomes severe as a result of leaving it unattended, white blood cells destroy the dermis layer of the skin in an attempt to suppress the inflammation.

The problem is that the dermis layer of the skin cannot turn over, that is, it cannot be reborn.

This means that once destroyed, it will not be completely repaired. That’s why it leaves a mark like a crater.

Learn about the causes of acne

Acne is a hindrance to beautiful skin. Have you ever thought about the cause of acne?

It’s like knowing where the pits are if you know the cause. It is possible to reduce the chance of getting acne.

In a nutshell, acne occurs when the pores are clogged with sebum and waste products and P. acnes grows.

The characteristic of acne that occurs is that the symptoms gradually progress. Let’s see how it goes!

Learn about the types of acne

If you can figure out which acne your acne is, you can avoid making mistakes in skin care, so let’s study without the hassle!

There are four types of acne:

  • White acne
  • Black acne
  • Red acne
  • Yellow acne

I will explain in order.

White acne

White acne is an early acne. There is no pain when the sebum is clogged in the pores.

A turning point that determines whether or not acne scars can be produced depending on whether or not correct acne care can be performed at the stage of white acne.

Black acne

The clogged sebum is pushed out to the surface of the skin and oxidized to turn black. The feature is that the pores look dark.

It doesn’t look good, but in fact, black acne is in the early stages of acne. Even in the early stages, it’s getting worse from white acne.

What you shouldn’t do is force out sebum.

I understand that you want to be beautiful, but it will keep you away from beautiful skin, so don’t do it.

Red acne

Red acne is a condition in which P. acnes grows inside the pores and causes inflammation.

If you progress to red acne, there is a higher possibility that acne scars will be formed compared to white acne and black acne, so early care is required.

Yellow acne

As red acne progresses, it becomes yellow acne.

The true identity of yellow is pus.

White blood cells and P. acnes fight to defeat the grown P. acnes, but the corpse becomes pus and remains in the pores.

Unfortunately, if you get acne, it is very likely that acne scars will remain.

Learn about different care methods for acne scars

Now, let’s take a look at how to care for acne scars.

Please note that you will not get the expected effect unless you take care of acne scars.

For reddish acne scars

The cause of reddish acne scars is inflammation, so it’s best to use skin care products and medicines that contain anti-inflammatory ingredients.

As the

ingredient, it is recommended to choose one that contains dipotassium glycyrrhizinate or allantoin.

For brown acne scars

The cause of pigmentation is melanin, which is also a natural enemy of whitening.

Let’s start skin care with cosmetics that can be expected to have a whitening effect.


ingredients, we recommend those containing vitamin C, placenta, hydroquinone, etc.

Let’s start by choosing whitening cosmetics that are easily available at drug stores.

For acne scars on the crater

Unfortunately, acne scars on the crater are difficult to improve. That doesn’t mean you have to give up.

It may take some time, but it may be possible to improve it if you keep on doing it.

Specifically, it is recommended to take L-Cysteine ​​preparation continuously to improve turnover.

“Wait a minute! Do you think any high thiol can be used for stains? ], We will summarize how to choose the L-cysteine ​​preparation that suits you, so please refer to it.

Let’s defeat the monster before it grows up!

After reading to the end, you may be disappointed because there are few ways to clean the skin of acne scars.

However, it also means that it is important to prevent acne and acne scars from forming on a daily basis.

There is no such thing as a convenient magic item like “If you do this, your acne scars will not be clean!” If there is such a thing, it should be a big hit by this time.

It may sound severe, but you are the only one in the world who can clean your skin! Having that enthusiasm is actually the first step.

The skin originally has a system that discharges sebum. However, it does not work well if your lifestyle is disturbed. The result is acne.

After all, there is no better cosmetology than a well-organized lifestyle.

If you come across any of the following bad habits, review them!

  • Sleep deprivation
  • Lack of exercise
  • Overwork
  • Irregular life
  • Biased lifestyle
  • Excessive drinking
  • Smoking
  • stress

Let’s get rid of the cause of acne and get beautiful skin that gives you confidence so that the monster called acne does not grow!

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