About dermatology, the last trump card when acne does not heal no matter what

You may be thinking, “I’ve tried a random and effective method for acne on the Internet, but there’s no sign of cure …”.

Or maybe you are an enthusiastic student who wants to learn in advance what to do when all the measures are exhausted.

In conclusion, go to a dermatologist if you’re just trying out a slurping and ineffective method.

You may be surprised that “drugstore people say that !?”, but our purpose is to make visitors physically and mentally healthier than they are now. To have it.

Of course, I would be happy if the medicines and skin care products that can be purchased at drug stores cure me. However, medicines that can be purchased at drug stores are less effective than those prescribed by dermatologists.

If you miss the timing of treatment, you may regret leaving acne scars … We don’t want our valued customers to feel that way.

And, not surprisingly, severe acne can be a sign of another illness. It will hurt if you look down on acne!

This time, I would like to introduce the last trump card when acne does not heal no matter what you do, the treatment of acne in dermatology.

Please use it for your acne treatment!

About the flow of acne treatment in dermatology

When it comes to treatment at the hospital, you may feel uncomfortable, but that’s because you don’t know the whole picture. You’ll be sensitive to things you don’t know.

On the contrary, once you know it, you will often think, “What’s that ?!”

Here, let’s know the flow of acne treatment in dermatology.

Acne treatment proceeds as follows.

  1. Interview
  2. Inspection
  3. Explanation of acne treatment
  4. Explanation about medicine
  5. Lifestyle advice

Let’s see what happens in each.


In the interview, the doctor asks the following questions.

  • When did you get acne?
  • What kind of lifestyle is it?
  • What is your current physical condition?

The important thing in interviews is not to lie about your lifestyle. Your doctor is your acne treatment partner. You can’t plan your treatment without knowing exactly who you are.

For example, let’s confess honestly without thinking, “Recently, the amount of alcohol has increased due to stress, but I don’t want to be known …”.

It may be embarrassing, but this is also to get acne-free skin!

In addition, ask questions if you have any doubts. Doctors have been studying to answer your questions.


If you have severe acne, you may need to check blood tests and hormonal balance.

Don’t be scared just because you were told to do an inspection. It’s just a process of investigating the possibilities. Besides, leaving it alone will lower the quality of life in the long run.

Explanation of acne treatment

After the interview and examination, you will be given an explanation about the treatment plan based on the results.

Again, ask questions if you have any doubts. Remember that you are the protagonist of the treatment!

Explanation about medicine

The main treatment for acne in dermatology is medication. You will hear an explanation about the dosage and expected effects.

Lifestyle advice

Finally, you may receive advice on how to prevent acne other than taking medicines. You may be told that your ears hurt, but this is also to get rid of acne.

Medical medicines called doctor’s cosmetics may be recommended.

It is more concentrated than skin care products that can be purchased at drug stores, and it is often expected to be effective, so consult with your wallet before making a decision.

Treatments available at dermatologists [Insurance coverage]

In fact, you may have realized that the process of receiving treatment is not much different from asking a clerk at a drug store and choosing a product.

Here, we will introduce the treatment itself, which is the biggest difference between drugstores and dermatologists.

By the way, you may think that dermatological treatment will cost you money, but don’t worry.

Insurance is applied to dermatological treatment.

The costly treatment you are thinking of is a “cosmetological dermatology” treatment, which is more like an esthetic treatment and is different from a dermatology treatment.

Let’s get back to the main subject.

The following three are typical treatments that can be received at dermatology.

  1. Pharmaceuticals
  2. Extruding face swelling (Menbo Asshutsu)
  3. Clear Touch

I will explain each in turn.


There are two types of medicines prescribed: “internal medicine” and “topical medicine”.

The following two types of internal medicine are common.

  • Bactericides that kill bacteria
  • Chinese herbal medicine with pus drainage and detoxification

The following four types are common for topical drugs.

  • Vitamin A derivative that clears pore clogging
  • Benzoyl peroxide external preparation that unclogs pores and has a bactericidal action
  • Topical antibiotics if accompanied by inflammation
  • Injection of steroids for severe acne

Although it is a price to worry about, I will introduce the general market price for reference.

  • Initial consultation fee: 1,000 yen
  • Prescription fee: 210 yen
  • Medicine fee: 1,000 to 3,000 yen

However, it depends on the hospital. If you want to know more, check with your local dermatologist in advance.

Comedone extruding (Menbo Asshutsu)

Acne extruding is a treatment that pushes out the contents of acne.

It’s common to say, “Don’t crush acne!”, But you may be surprised, but it’s NG to crush it yourself.

Let’s check the procedure of comedone extruding that is actually performed in dermatology.

The procedure for extruding comedones is as follows.

  1. Disinfect the affected area
  2. Make a small hole in the tip of the acne
  3. Extrude the contents with a special tool

It goes without saying that it is different from pushing it out by yourself.

Acne extruding has the advantage that acne heals faster and acne scars are less likely to remain. because

  • By extruding, sebum, which is the cause of inflammation, can be discharged.
  • Because it is hard to damage the skin by making a small hole

It’s different from crushing yourself.

If you crush it yourself, there is a high possibility that germs will enter, and it is inevitable that you will hurt your skin more than necessary.

I will introduce the fee here as well, but it depends on the hospital, so please use it as a reference.

  • Initial consultation fee: 1,000 yen
  • Prescription fee “210 yen
  • Treatment fee: 1,000 yen ~

The time it takes to extrude acne depends on the number of acne. Generally it takes about 30 minutes. It is recommended to make a margin in the schedule when actually receiving comedone extruding.

Clear Touch

Clear Touch is a treatment for acne with light and heat.

The following three effects can be expected.

  • Bactericidal action: Sterilizes the cause of acne
  • Anti-inflammatory effect: Care for inflamed blood vessels
  • Thermal action: Sterilization of acne bacteria and bacteria, dissolution of keratin plugs

When you hear light and heat, you are worried about damage to your skin, but please be assured that it will not damage the surface of your skin. It feels warm rather than hot during treatment. Some people have a temporary redness, but it is only temporary and will subside in a few hours.

In addition, sebum secretion is suppressed, shine is reduced, and melanin is decomposed, so a whitening effect can be expected.

The duration of one irradiation is about 10 minutes even for the entire face, but you may find it a little troublesome to need treatment once or twice a week for a total of 8 to 12 times.

Still, considering that the redness of acne can be suppressed, the shine can be reduced, and the whitening effect can be expected, it is not a big disadvantage.

Some clinics do not provide insurance for fees. If you are interested, please check in advance.

Here, I will introduce the reference fee to let you know the general market feeling.

  • Initial consultation fee: 1,000 yen
  • Prescription fee: 210 yen
  • Treatment fee: 600 yen ~

If your acne doesn’t go away no matter what you do, go to a dermatologist!

Just as you can take care of the hospital if you have a cold, consider going to the hospital if you feel that acne is out of your control.

You may find it difficult to get time to go to the hospital because you are busy with work, housework, and childcare. However, it’s not a big problem to have time to go to the hospital compared to having acne scars and regretting the rest of your life.

You should be able to devise something that is easy to go to, such as finding a dermatologist near your home or workplace!

Above all, you can save time by groping for self-care, which saves you time.

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