What is Japanese Kampo(Japanese herbal medicine)? Recommended product information

What is Japanese Kampo? Recommended product information

For those who are interested in Japanese Kampo(Japanese herbal medicine)

What kind of image do you have of Japanese Kampo(Japanese herbal medicine)?
Is it “gentle on the body”, “no side effects”, “improvement of constitution”, “nigga !!”
Also, as I myself did, I can’t get the name of the disease at the hospital, but I’m not feeling well,
Perhaps there are many people who are interested in Kampo.
The big point of Kampo is that it can approach upsets (* not ill) that do not have such a disease name.
* Pre-illness refers to a condition in which the patient does not become ill but has mild symptoms.

What is Japanese Kampo(Japanese herbal medicine)?

In the name of Kampo, “Kan” means “China” and “Hou” means “treatment”.
“Kampo” is a medicine that has been independently developed according to the constitution and climate of the Japanese people, based on the medicine that has been handed down from China since ancient times.
On the other hand, “Chinese medicine” is a combination of two or more kinds of crude drugs such as plants and minerals found in nature.
Since Chinese herbal medicine is a medicine made by utilizing the blessings of nature, it gives an image of being kind to the body (^^)

Kampo(herbal medicine) is based on the idea of ​​”looking at the sick, not sick,” that is, not looking at only a part of the body, but looking at the balance of the entire body.
In Chinese medicine, the human body is thought to be composed of three parts: “ki”, “blood”, and “water”.
“Ki” is invisible life energy, “blood” is what nourishes the tissues of the whole body, and “water” is for water metabolism and immune system.
It’s something that is involved.
These three influence each other, and it is important to have a good balance.

Kampo treats the condition of a person suffering from a disease from various angles, including constitution, illness, environment, etc., based on “proof”.
To put it simply, a “proof” is “a person’s condition (individual differences in constitution, physical strength, resistance, appearance of symptoms, etc.)”.
One of the ways to divide “proof” is “imaginary / real”, and “demonstrate” a person who has sufficient physical strength and resistance.
A person who is weak and weak is called a “falsification”.
Treatment based on such “proof” is unique to Kampo.
In addition, since we are trying to improve not only the place where the symptom appears but also from the root, other disorders may occur in the process of improving the symptom of concern.
It often gets better.

Japanese herbal medicine. What is the difference between medical and general use?

There are two types of Chinese herbal medicine, one is for medical use, which is prescribed based on a doctor’s examination, and the other is for general use, which you can choose at a drug store.
The herbal ingredients contained are the same, but for safety reasons, the daily dose may be smaller for general use.
For those who want to improve their constitution in earnest, it is better to consult a doctor or pharmacist who is familiar with Kampo, but it is not enough to go to the hospital.
For those who are feeling unwell or who want to try it easily, commercially available products that can be purchased at drug stores or online are convenient.
It is easy for anyone to choose the commercially available products because it is easy to understand what kind of symptoms they are effective for just by looking at the package. ◎
In addition, some people think that Chinese herbs have no side effects, but any drug has side effects at the same time as it is effective.
If you have any symptom of concern, please consult your doctor or pharmacist.

Familiar with “I wish I had it” ♪ Kobayashi Pharmaceutical’s 4 recommended Japanese herbal medicines ◎

Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is based on the idea that “I wish I had it”, not only pharmaceuticals, but also air fresheners, supplements, daily necessities, etc.
It is a company that offers various products.
There are many famous products, and I often see them in commercials, so the phrase “I wish I had it” is familiar in Japan.
From the consumer’s point of view, “I wish I had something like this” is “I’m glad I had it ♪” (^^)
Of course I also use it a lot ♪
Here are some recommended Chinese medicines from Kobayashi Pharmaceutical!

“Vocoren” for cystitis such as pain during urination, frequent urination, and feeling of residual urine

A tingling pain when peeing and a feeling of residual urine. .. It’s hard, isn’t it?
Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder in the lower abdomen of the body.
For bladder inflammation, it is important not only to suppress the inflammation and relieve the symptoms, but also to thoroughly wash away the causative bacteria that have reached the bladder.
Gorin-san is a herbal medicine composed of 11 kinds of crude drugs with “antibacterial / anti-inflammatory effect”, “scratch repair / blood flow improving effect” and “diuretic effect”.
The action of these herbal medicines suppresses inflammation, flushes out bacteria, and gradually relieves painful symptoms.
Cystitis is likely to get worse when you are tired.
It may be difficult in your busy life, but please try to avoid sleep deprivation, stress and fatigue as much as possible.

Shipped from Japan

“Comrecare” that is effective for drinking when you have trouble with foot fishing

That unspeakable pain when my legs are stiff … Sometimes and in some cases, I’m really in trouble. ..
“Comrecare” is a medicine that cures painful leg cramps (muscle cramps) and leg cramps.
Leg cramps are a phenomenon in which muscles contract excessively, causing local pain.
Shakuyakukanzoto suppresses muscle contraction and relieves pain and stiffness.
Some people may have the image that Chinese herbal medicine does not work unless you take it for a long time, but in reality, it is a type that works immediately after taking it.
There is a type that works by continuing to drink.
Although there are individual differences in shakuyakukanzoto, it seems that many people feel the effect within an hour because it has a quick effect.
It is recommended that you do not continue to take it prophylactically, but take it when you actually have symptoms.
It is convenient to carry because it is individually wrapped for each dose.

Shipped from Japan

For those who are worried about forgetting things, “Wasnon”

Recently, it seems that there are many people who are worried about forgetfulness, lack of confidence in their memory, etc. from around the age of 40.
Specifically, I can’t remember a person’s name, forget what I was trying to do, and so on. ..
Some people may be surprised.
I would like such people to try the forgetfulness improving drug “Wasnon”.
“Onji” is a herbal medicine that has been used for a long time and its effect on forgetfulness is described in classical Chinese books.
“Wasnon” contains “Onji Extract EX” which is a concentrated version of Onji.
* This medicine is not effective in treating or preventing dementia.

Shipped from Japan

It works from the inside by drinking it for gingival inflammation accompanied by swelling and pain of the gums! “Shouyo Herbal Tablets”

Are you worried about swelling or bleeding gums?
The main cause of swelling of the gums is inflammation caused by bacterial infection and proliferation.
“Shouyo Herbal Tablets” is a dried extract of the Chinese herbal prescription “Hainosankyuto”, which consists of 6 kinds of crude drugs.
It is a tablet that is easy to take.
Drainage Santo is a Chinese herbal medicine that is effective against purulent inflammation such as gum inflammation and skin inflammation.
It suppresses swelling, pain and bleeding of the gums. It is also effective against tonsillitis.
Shipped from Japan

All four products introduced this time are tablet type and easy to swallow.
It’s a very nice point for those who are not good at the taste and smell peculiar to Chinese herbs!
If you like the symptoms of your worries, please give it a try.

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