How to choose a Japanese cold medicine that suits you and 4 recommended Japanese cold medicines + α

“I may have caught a cold, but I don’t have time to go to the hospital …”
“I’d like to come to a drugstore, but there are so many types that I don’t know which one to choose …”
“When I’m at work, I just forget to take a cold medicine and suffer from symptoms …”

If you catch a cold, you will definitely have this kind of trouble.

I feel extremely difficult when I have a cold, even if I don’t usually do it. That is why I want to get well as soon as possible.

However, I can’t go to the hospital because I’m too busy, or if I think I have time, I don’t go to the hospital on weekends …

In such a case, buy a cold medicine at a drug store.

This article introduces typical Japanese cold remedies and how to choose cold remedies.

Please read to the end!

What you need to know before buying a Japanese cold remedy

Even if you say cold medicine, what really surprises you at the store is the large number of types. If you don’t have any knowledge, you will be at a loss as to which one to buy.

First of all, what exactly is a cold in the first place? Let’s start by knowing from.

If the direction you should go from the starting point is different, it will take a detour to reach the final destination, “Energetic self”!

It’s not the cold medicine that cures the cold, it’s you!

Cold remedies are generally the following remedies.

  • Antipyretic to lower fever
  • Analgesics to relieve headaches and sore throats
  • Antihistamine to suppress runny nose
  • Antitussive expectorant that stops coughing and makes it easier to produce sputum
  • Common cold treatment that summarizes the above

What they all have in common is symptomatic treatment to control the symptoms, not to treat the common cold.

Many people mistakenly think that a cold medicine is a remedy. Then the question arises as to what cures a cold.

The answer is your own immune system.

In other words, the original role of cold remedies is to support you so that you can spend a little more comfortably while your immune system is fighting the virus.

How to find a cold remedy that suits your symptoms

The problem with choosing a cold remedy is that it is difficult to choose a cold remedy that suits you.

If you have knowledge about the ingredients of medicines, you can choose the best cold medicine based on your symptoms. However, you don’t usually have time to study pharmaceutical knowledge. It will be difficult to establish knowledge because there are few opportunities to use it.

So, I’ll show you how to easily choose the cold medicine that suits you to some extent without any knowledge!

If you know this, it is convenient because it can be applied not only to cold remedies but also to eye drops, gastrointestinal remedies, and vitamins. And it’s easy.

Simple, but compare the packages.

It may be too easy to beat, but the package clearly states what the cold remedy is particularly effective for.

Unexpectedly, many people have heard the name without looking at the package properly, so it is easy to buy it just because they saw it in a commercial … This is gambling.

Let’s check the package to choose the cold medicine that suits your symptoms! Of course, take the wisdom of pharmacists and registered sellers in the store as an option.

Introducing typical Japanese cold remedies!

From here, we will pick up and introduce typical Japanese cold remedies that meet your needs.

All of them are available at Japanese drug stores, so I think they are easy to find even when traveling.

Let’s actually introduce it!

Speaking of cold remedies in Japan, Pavlon Gold A fine particles

One of the most famous cold remedies in Japan is Pavlon Gold A Fine Granules sold by Taisho Pharmaceutical. It is no exaggeration to say that there are no strangers in Japan who are familiar with the catch phrase “It worked, early publon”.

Pavlon Gold A Fine Granules is a standard common cold medicine containing antipyretic analgesics, antihistamines, antitussive expectorants, etc.

It is a Japanese cold remedy that many households keep as a regular medicine.

It’s a fine grain type that is easy to carry and doesn’t get in the way even if you put it in your bag.

For colds that cause throat problems, Pavlon S Gold W

Pavlon S Gold W is a Japanese cold remedy that double-cares the airway mucosa.

The airway mucosa is like a bodyguard that prevents viruses from entering our bodies.

If the airway mucosa is in order, even if a virus enters, it will be expelled from the body. However, if the airway mucosa becomes inflamed, the virus may not be expelled and may allow proliferation.

It is characterized by containing the following two ingredients to care for the airway mucosa, which is a bodyguard.

  • Ambroxol hydrochloride
  • L-Carbocisteine ​​

Ambroxol hydrochloride clears the airway mucosa and makes it easier to expel the virus.

L-Carbocisteine ​​repairs the airway mucosa and keeps it from losing its defenses.

People who are more likely to notice the symptoms of a cold from their throat should choose Pavlon S Gold W.

Anyway, I want it to work quickly! At that time, Estak Eve Fine EX

Estak Eve Fine EX is a Japanese cold remedy recommended for people who want a Japanese cold remedy that works quickly anyway!

The biggest feature is the unique quick action manufacturing method that ibuprofen, which is effective for sore throat and fever, exerts its effect quickly.

In addition, isopropamide iodide and chlorpheniramine maleate, which are effective for runny nose and stuffy nose, are also included. It also contains ambroxol hydrochloride, which smoothes the discharge of tan and relieves coughing.

I’m glad that fever has haste. I can still tolerate runny nose and stuffy nose, but not so much with fever. You can’t do work or housework with a feverish head.

There are times when I can’t take a rest even if I have a cold and I can’t get enough time to go to the hospital. In such a case, let’s survive with Estac Eve Fine EX!

Precall Sustained Capsules for people who tend to forget to take cold medicine during the day

Precall Sustainable Capsules is a Japanese cold remedy recommended for people who are overwhelmed by work or household chores and tend to forget to take the medicine.

The biggest feature is that it is “sustainable” and you only need to take it twice in the morning and at night. It is common for busy modern people to miss the timing to take cold medicine if they realize that they are doing their work and housework intensively during the day.

Persistence You may think that the effect is slow and the effect is subtle, but don’t worry.

The effect will come out immediately, and the effect will last properly.

This is because the capsule contains fast-dissolving granules that dissolve immediately and exert their effects, and slow-dissolving granules that dissolve later and exert their effects with a time lag.

If you have a hard time taking a chance, choose Precall Sustained Capsules.

If you have a cold and have no appetite, but want to supplement your nutrition, Pavlon Nourishing Oral Solution Series

When you have a cold, your body is exhausted due to fever, etc., so nutrition is important.

However, when you have a cold, it’s too dull to eat rice, isn’t it? This will make it difficult to provide satisfactory nutrition.

If you have a cold, replenish with the Pavlon Nourishing Oral Solution Series.

The lineup of the Pavlon Nourishing Oral Solution series is as follows.

  • Pavlon Nourishing Oral Solution Alpha
  • Pavlon Nourishing Oral Solution Gold A
  • Pavlon Nourishing Oral Solution Premium

Pavlon Nourishing Oral Solution Alpha contains 5 kinds of crude drugs. Recommended for nutritional support at the beginning of the day.

Pavlon Nourishing Oral Solution Gold A contains 8 kinds of crude drugs. Take it when you feel it is harder than your usual cold.

Pavlon Nourishing Oral Solution Premium contains 10 kinds of crude drugs. Take it to provide nutrition and maintain / improve resistance at this time.

The Pavlon Nourishing Oral Solution series does not contain caffeine, so you can take it even if you are taking cold medicine, and you do not have to worry about disturbing your sleep.

No matter how much nutrition you give, you still need to rest, so don’t overdo it!

Let’s get well with Japanese cold medicine that is perfect for you!

It is easy to catch a cold when the seasons change or when you are weak due to lack of sleep. It’s best to live a regular life and not catch a cold, but that’s not the case.

If you have a cold, it is best not to overdo it while suppressing the painful symptoms with the Japanese cold medicine introduced this time.

Don’t forget to prevent yourself by wearing a mask or using a humidifier in the dry winter to avoid catching a cold!

When your body temperature drops, your immunity weakens and you are more likely to catch a cold, so it is recommended that you actively eat foods that warm your body.

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